525 Tyler Road, Suite E
St. Charles, Illinois 60174
(630) 377-4677
To prevent peri-implant complications, professional in-office assessment, maintenance, and home-care recommendations are vital. For long-term implant success clinicians need to detect early signs of implant complications, diagnose any complications to provide early intervention and be able to provide peri-implant treatments. This course will follow the global healthy implant initiative for ceramic and titanium implants based on Susan’s Clinical White Paper: Long-term prevention of peri-implant complications and textbook: Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist: Second Edition.
Learning Objectives:
August 16, 2023
Registration: 8am - 9am
Discussion: 9am - 12pm
Lunch: 12pm - 1pm
Discussion and Q & A: 1pm - 2:30pm
Elgin Community College
The Seigle Auditorium, Bldg E
1700 Spartan Drive
Elgin, IL 60123
Registration Fee:
This course provides 5 CE Credits