525 Tyler Road, Suite E
St. Charles, Illinois 60174
(630) 377-4677
In 2009, we began our first educational seminars discussing this fixed restorative option for the edentulous and terminal dentition patient. In this seminar series we will share the highlights of the over 100 prosthetic dentistry cases we have completed since we began teaching this technique. Since that time we have been able to improve and streamline the procedure making it a somewhat simple procedure even for those who have not previously done cases of this type.
In this seminar series, we will review case identification, update you on the treatment planning of these cases, and offer assistance in presenting this treatment option to your patients as well as guidelines in how to assist your patients to accept this valuable treatment option. We will review the updated step-by-step restorative technique that we have created to allow you to take your patient from an immediate fixed temporary to the final restoration with a minimum of stress and maximum esthetic results.
Invitations to be mailed out in August