News & Events
The purpose of this clinical trial was to evaluate the survival rate, bone remodeling, and soft tissue health surrounding variable-thread tapered implants placed in fresh extraction sites and loaded immediately.
Kolinski ML, Cherry JE, McAllister BS, Parrish KD, Pumphrey DW, Schroering RL. J Periodontol. 2014 Mar;85(3):386-94. doi: 10.1902/jop.2013.120638. Epub 2013 Jun 27. BACKGROUND: The purpose of this clinical study is to evaluate the radiographic bone remodeling, survival rate, and soft tissue health surrounding a variable-thread tapered implant immediately placed in extraction sites. METHODS: Sixty implants…
What a great seminar! A big thank you to Nobel Biocare and to Dr. Jay Neugarten who flew all the way in from New York to present Trefoil-A New Kind of Bridge to us! Please contact our office for detailed descriptions of the gallery photos
Dr. Crosby, Dr. Kolinski and Dr. Trahan will be participating in the 2019 Dentist with a Heart event. Tri-city area dentist are offering a unique Valentine’s Day present for the needy in our community… FREE dental care for the day! Please see the flyer below for available dates:
The long-term impact of private giving and the appreciation of recipients was on display on February 15 when more than 30 alumni, faculty, residents, and staff of the Department of Periodontics joined with Dean Clark Stanford and other College administrators at a special dedication ceremony. A significant major gift from alumni and faculty Dr. Martin…